This is a nice fall soup and a pleasant surprise today as I was making this recipe up.
Country Ham Corn Chowder:
10 ounces country ham chips
one medium white onion chopped fine
8-12 cups chicken broth
one 12 ounce package of frozen sweet corn ( I used birds eye steamers)
8 medium peeled potatoes and chopped to a medium rough dice.
dash celery salt
fresh ground pepper to taste
2 tablespoons minced garlic
Salt to taste(after cooking process is done because of the country ham having so much salt in it)
one 5 ounce can of evaporated milk or one cup heavy cream if you wish.
1 1/2 cup butter
1 1/2 cup flour
melt butter mix in flour and cook on low until a light color change. (white roux) keep on low heat until ready to mix.
Cook ham in a little water until it is hot
add onions and cook until they are translucent
add garlic and finish cooking for about two minutes
Add pepper
Add Broth
add potato
add corn
boil on meduim until potatoes are tender (about 30 minutes)
add a dash of celery salt
When the potatoes are done taste and see if salt is needed. I added a tiny amount here.
Reduce heat on stove to low
Add roux and mix with a whip so that no lumps form
finish with milk or heavy cream
Increase heat to medium until the soup is hot again this may be as short as one minute.
Serve with a nice bread or cracker. It can be topped with sharp cheddar cheese as well.
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