something a little more daring with the pink of the wedding season coming up.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Ice Skate cake
The ice skate cake.
The ice skate was hand carved and then the laces were attached to the skate the blade is on cardboard backing and was painted with luster dust. I hope this make one little girl happy.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Little Lamb and cupcake tree
This was a fun project, I had sculpted the little lamb for the top of the cake then i made the cupcake stand and custom covered the stand with paper and butterflies to match the colors of the birthday cupcakes and theme. Red velvet, chocolate and vanilla. vanilla smash cake.
Package cookies
Gift box cookies... fondant pink and wrapped with a bow. Vanilla Bean sugar cookies.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Sand castle cake
Triple layer Italian cream cake with amaretto icing, vanilla cake with dulce de leche and vanilla pastry cream filling. Covered in White Chocolate rolled icing. painted with luster dusts.
Sand castle cake
Triple layer Italian cream cake with amaretto icing, vanilla cake with dulce de leche and vanilla pastry cream filling. Covered in White Chocolate rolled icing. painted with luster dusts.
Horse cake
This cake was made for a special needs Child who has beautiful eyes like sapphires She loves horses more than anything in this world. hand sculpted sugar paste horse and flowers. Chocolate cake with sugar paste accents.
Bridal show cake
Bridal show cake
This print was done first by Amanda, She was so kind to share how to do this cake. I had been looking for this print all over the place for cookies and ornament cookies plus I so wanted to do a black and white cake for my bridal show coming up, so when I saw Manda's cake yesterday I had a manic moment LOL
The bow is fashioned in the style of Anne from the pink cake box. I think Manda did a much better job on hers and I am so thankful for the willingness she has to share. THIS WAS A HARD CAKE the patterns will never match well so if you are OCD leave this kind of cake alone!
Thank you Manda!!
Uploaded by CakesByShara on 11 Nov 07, 11.43PM CST.
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Black and white
The cookies are made with fondant and then a edible image is applied to that as well.
Cakes By Shara Cupcakes
These were in the Tennessean news paper today in the Daily Crave top 5 deals, Featuring the cupcakes at a local Green Hills Shop that used to carry our cupcakes. You can find our cupcakes at Fresh By CarryAnn a local Florist in Mount Juliet and some of our cupcakes are also found at Hermitage Golf Course for special events. Of Course Cakes By Shara offers these lovely cupcakes as well to the public for special orders.
Friday, November 9, 2007
peony making set view all picutres in stream as well. For my flickr friend Amuse :)

peony making set view all picutres in stream as well. For my flickr friend Amuse :), originally uploaded by CakesByShara.
How to make sugar flowers.
How to make and put together a fondant wedding cake.
See my pictures on how to make a wedding cake...
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Sarah and Kevin cupcakes.
Full view of the cupcakes
Cake and cupcakes I did for the wedding last weekend Alex Crawford receives the photo credit please view his stream for more wonderful pictures. Here is my photo before they finished the cake.
Uploaded by CakesByShara on 13 Sep 07, 7.10AM CDT.
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Sarah's cake
Lemon cake with lace printed sugar-paste icing adorned with fresh flowers the bride put together. Cupcakes were made to match the setting.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
one of my favorite finished cakes, the gold is painted on with free hand designs and stencil design.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Happy Cake
I love these cakes, They are my favorite ones to do as they are full of happy colors. I hope a 7 and a 1/2 year old is one happy girl tomorrow.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Show Cake/Dummy cake for display at a new Wedding Venue.
This cake was done as a show cake the flowers are made with royal blue color by americolor. The pears were made with a Nick Lodge bead maker and the Jewelry was found at Michaels. The cake was cover in sugar paste or fondant smoothed and then dusted with pearl dust. the boarder was added then the flowers.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
X-Box 360 Cake
the x-box 360 cake is made with gumpaste for the controller it is hand sculpted and each part was made with out a mold. The cake is made with rolled fondx and is detailed out by hand and gumpaste tools were used. Chocolate fondant was used on the side to make the grid.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Borum Wedding
This cake was a joy to make. enrobed in white chocolate fondant with a quilting patterns and sugar pearls adorn the cake. Flowers provided by Creations By Debbie.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Wedding cake
This cake was very lovely and traditional. Chocolate cinnamon cake with chocolate cinnamon icing, butter pecan cake with vanilla bean buttercream vanilla cake with bing cherry's and vanilla bean icing covered in rolled fondx.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Green and White Classic Wedding cake
The monogram with green and or green and brown are hot colors this fall with burnt orange coming up behind it.
Curri Wedding
I think the trend will be moving soon back to round cakes but with color and this is the start of that trend for me. Strawberry cake on bottom and top tiers and caramel with pastry cream in the middle.
Humidor cake
This cake was a lot of fun to make. Everything except for the top is food. it is kind of a trip when you think about cigar ash but I wanted some reality in this cake and that was the one true effect that was a finishing touch on this cake. it was a challenge.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Princess Rose Red made from Fondant icing.
learning how to do a face see this
i was able to finally make a cute person. I had not been able to get the face right because sometimes I wanted to make them to life like. Lorraine MaKay really helps and she has some to purchase too which I will be doing next.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Dress cupcakes
Fund dress cupcakes in multi colors and homemade chocolate buttercream with vanilla bean paste and dark chocolate cake.
hot pink Joy
The joy of contrasting colors. I love pink and teal blue together. The flowers we made with a veining tool and the blue lace is a lace imprint into fondant. Painted with pearl dust and a little bit of sparkle.
Banks wedding finshed with rose petals
This cake was a joy to make. The perfect pear(pair) theme. Chocolate cake with chocolate cherry filling. Chocolate cake with ganache filling and caramel cake.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Pink and Black fondant cake in natrual light
This was such a fun cake, I love the colors and I learned so much from doing it! The inside is chocolate cake with chocolate icing and the outside is white chocolate fondant and chocolate fondant. Dusted with peony pixie dust for sparkle.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
purple heart cupcake
I love purple, but if you look very close you will see hearts too. This cupcakes is strawberry cake with strawberry vanilla buttercream
Monday, January 29, 2007
nFocus cupcakes
These cupcakes were created for a client of n-Focus magazine here in Nashville TN. n-Focus will be using these colors this year chocolate and a sky blue for the magazine cover.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Red Hat Society Cake
This hat was done for my sister in law who turned 50 on Friday. The gloves were free hand cut from fondx fondant and then hand stitched with a special wheel by PME. The pearls are made from fondant and then painted with super pearl luster dust. The hat was then dusted with edible glitter.
I have a ton of fun making this cake. I hope to do many more styles sometime in the near future.
The Crazy Daisy Cake